Wednesday, July 9, 2008

We're Back!

WOW! I'm taking the girls with us from now on! They must be in good with Karma or something. Drove into the parking lot, ONLY had to make 2 laps before a spot opened up! Got in, checked in at the clinic, walked back to the front, paid at the cashier, walked back to the clinic, proved that we paid, sat down and seriously, waited through 1 round of fairy breads )Aussie treats - hot dog rolls with a layer of icing and then sprinkles on it) No comments, it keeps them happy... and then BOOM! They called us back! Teddy doesn't need another cast, keep doing physio if we want and come back in 2 months for a final check. Then we left. 5 minutes after our scheduled appointment time. It was surreal.

I let it go to my head and tried to come home a different way and got totally buggering lost but hey, sometimes ya gotta just live a little.

Main thing is that Teddy is ok, he was terrified of getting a new cast on so now he feels like he's king of the mountain or something. Now I just have to make it through until 7:30 and the girls will be in bed and I can chalk up another day as survived. Now, if only the damn cough medicine would work and I can call this cold done...

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