Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Photo Journalism Attempt

Yesterday I thought I'd take a few pictures of the kids as we were walking to school. I wanted to paint a picture of our wet life. At least that's what I thought. It ended up more of a, "Mommy, stop taking stinkin' pictures, it's cold" motif.

Anyway, this is us leaving our house and heading up the driveway. We live in what's called a battleaxe. Our house is directly behind another house so we have no yard on the street. I don't particularly care for this way of land development, but it's very popular here in Sydney.

You can see that the kids are bundled up...gearing for the snow...I mean drought...I mean rain.


Linnia said...

Battleaxe blocks are only really popular in older suburbs, where the houses were originally put on really large blocks. The newer suburbs don't tend to have them because they are sub-divided differently. The good thing about battleaxes is that not all the Mormons can find you.

Unknown said...

Ohhh, my LDS friends are going to be HUNTIN' your tush down for that one! :)