Showing posts with label The Lancet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Lancet. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Well, well, well

So the study that came out and said that Autism was links to MMR immunization shots was done under flawed conditions.  The paper that printed it, The Lancet, had to retract it.

My, my, my.  So Autim isn't caused by the shots.  I'm going to refrain from my usual tirades and just say this, "NOW CAN WE ALL STOP FIGHTING WITH EACH OTHER AND FIND OUT WHAT DOES CAUSE IT?!

It would be nice if ONCE, just ONCE I could enjoy my daughters without having to scrutinize their every action and wonder how I need to teach them to do things the "right way"  I do this so they can survive childhood and not be traumatized by other children for being different.  I would LOVE to only have to explain something one time because even at 5 1/2  Connor needs constant repetition for even the simplest of concepts to sink in.

So please, now can we all just get along?  Let's fight the problem; not each other.