Thursday, July 3, 2008

Really Sick Today

I have the death cold. Not the puny, "My throat is sore" cold, the,"Wrap myself in sweaters and blankets and cry for my mother" type cold Really sick. Today unfortunately is one of the busiest days of the week. I have to finish cleaning the house for our jerk real estate agent to come and inspect - I really, really dislike this guy. Then I have to take Tessi to school and not Connor which will lead to a fight, listen to her cry the whole way home. Take Teddy school and then take Connor to her psychologist evaluation - 2- 3 hours at least, come back, try to get Connor into school without Tessi seeing me or else we'll really learn what crying is. Then I have to get to the shops and print out some pictures for a kid in Teddy's class who is moving away this weekend. I did the same for Jacob2 weeks ago so I can't leave this kid hanging, even though I don't know Suli at all, he's not in Year 2, he's in Year 1 and I have NO idea who his friends are but I've been taking pictures of him all week. After that I have to buy the picture frame and wrap the present
Then I have to pick up Teddy from school and take him to Physio, race out of there and come back and pick up the girls late and then have dinner...which the kids won't eat. All this while being so sick I can't stand up longer than 5 minutes.

Sigh...I need a wife....

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