Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Tuesday is the Quiet Day

Today is my quiet day now. Connor doesn't have OT on alternating Tues anymore and Tessi's Autism services is only coming 3 times this term and that was moved to Wed. afternoon. So today it's me, Connor and Tessi. All day. All together. So what are we going to do? A trip to the shops of course!

It's not as masochistic as it sounds. I have to pick up Christmas presents from layby (also known as layaway) and the girls know that across from the store we're going to is a Mrs. Field's cookie shop. As soon as I say, "Let's go to Big W" Tessi responds, "I want cookie" Pavlov and his stinkin' dog...

It's weird...with Mrs. Field's they both still say cookie. With every other type of cookie they call them the Aussie term, biscuit. Or even better they use the diminutive...bickie...I'm not even sure how you spell it, that's just what they say. Aussie diminutize EVERY.STINKIN.THING. When we bought Teddy the cricket stumps, also known as the wickets, Teddy said, "I'll get the wickie's out of the car" I gave flack for using baby talk - an ANNOYING habit he's picked up and he was so confused and said, "No, Mom, that's the name"

I guess to fit in here I have to say, "We've off to the shopo to get Christmas prezzies and a few bickies, darling" Pronounce darling as Dah-ling and by george, I think you've got it!


Linnia said...

I know where you're going! You're right to go there first thing in the morning, parking is a pain in the arse (or ass) after around 11am when all the business park people start turning up.

I miss Macquarie Centre. I miss Myers. I even miss Michel's Patisserie - would you believe there are no cake shops up here in Purgatory?

Anonymous said...

Just don't forget to keep saying "ya'll", "Howdy", or "Fixin' to". ~Tara

Unknown said...

SNORT! The funny this is that I do say ya'll all the time here. You should see everyone's faces!!!! It cracks me up!
Have to throw out a fixin' to just to see their heads explode!

Anonymous said...

Don't forget that the wicketkeeper is called wickie too. Could get confusing. Oh, and Woollies has Tim Tams on sale. - Judie

Unknown said...

Curse you Judie! Now I have to drag the girls to Woolworth's before swim lessons...or should I say Woollies?