Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Risque Swim Lessons

Tessi...dear God, that girl is going to destroy me. I firmly, FIRMLY believe that someday in a post-apocalyptic world Tessi will be standing on a hill covering my body with death and carnage around her saying, "Ha! I win and you lose Mom!" Trust me, that is said with a mother's love.

Here we are at the pool waiting for her turn. Start getting her dressed in the swim um...cozzie here. No problem, it's all good. That is until Miss Silly decides to get cutesy and as she pulls off each piece of clothing she flings it at me. Ok, no big deal, I can handle it. Unfortunately the underwear was a bit more elastic than Tessi was counting on and her aim isn't exactly Rodger Clemmons-like so the knickers squip off to the left a bit and WHAM! Right into the face of the woman sitting next to me. Nothing like a pair of pink and yellow apple undies that do NOT belong in your family knocking you for a loop.

Normally the only socially acceptable thing for me to do was walk over to the pool and put my head under water and drown myself but Fate was kind and let the woman be someone I know. Her girls go to preschool with my girls so she is well versed in the ways of children. In the end her laughter was almost as loud as Tessi's and my exclamations of horror; while appreciated, were not necessary.

Still...I mean come on! How unfair is that!? I think Tessi is still laughing...


Owens Family said...

Ah, I wish you were here so I could get to know those goofy girls of yours! Although I'm sure they'd seem quite normal by my kid standards. :)
I've never tried Yoga before. Do twice as much on behalf of me!

Owens Family said...

And hello- you have lots of far-away blog readers! Who are those people over there in Europe? Are they nice? Do they like kids? Do they like long-staying visitors??

Unknown said...

Shouldn't you be sleeping? You've heard of that right?

DarthTed said...

Cecelia is big in Europe and Pakistan. Now planning her conquest of Asia.

Unknown said...

Excuse me...didn't either of you notice that I wrote that my daughter hit a the face...with her UNDERWEAR? I mean, HEL-LO??!! What does it take to get noticed anymore?

Anonymous said...

At least she didn't yell "Sexy Momma" while flinging her undies...

:-) Mickie