Sunday, October 5, 2008

Lo Hicimos! We Did it!

Yep, we made it! The Dora show was a hit! Largely in part because of the huge box of popcorn and bag of Starbursts I bought, but a hit nonetheless. The girls really loved it and got into the show. Connor started yelling out, "WHERE'S DIEGO?!!!" which made me fall apart. Almost as good as Delaney yelling, "SWIPER, WE DON'T LIKE YOU!!" Tessi was sitting next to Mom, on the other end from me and so she decided to walk back and forth to me to get the popcorn. Not a bad idea except that each time she got one piece of popcorn. After the 15th trip I cut her off.

It was a cute show but I have to say that the show promoters shot themselves in the foot with their greed. We all know that the toys and trinkets for sale at these things are ridiculously overpriced. I expect it personally. However we all trudge up to the counter to fork over money to buy some useless Dora crap. Up at the counter all they have are these wands that glow for $10, a t-shirt for $20 and get this...a small cloth Dora or Diego doll for....wait for it...$30!!!!!!!!!!!!! Kassi and I looked at each other a slowly backed away. Get real. I budgeted $20 for each girl but that was insane. My girls do NOT want a t-shirt and those dolls were only slightly higher quality than the McDonald's toys. Get real. Way to go, you guys lost my $40 by not having a middle range available. I scanned the crowd too, not a lot of dolls and wands floating around either.

The next show should be a hit. In winter 2009 (that's summer for my American friends) Disney on Ice is coming back - only with an all princess show. All Ariel....all the time. Oh yeah, that'll work.


Anonymous said...

Please tell me the Princess show will be when I am there...I want to go!!

Unknown said...

I'm so sorry...winter 2009. Our winter, not yours. :( Don't worry, we'll have enough princess paraphnalia here at the house to help you with your fix.

Owens Family said...

I, too, have been to a Dora show many moons (and 2 kids) ago! Glad you all had a great time. Wonderful memories! Email me- I still need your email address, lady!!