Thursday, October 30, 2008

2 yoga Classes Plus Girls Jumping on Back..

..equals SNAP! I'm ok, but last night my back whet OUT. I have a weak back and after 2 yoga classes it was on edge. Yesterday I was desperate to entertain the girls after a long, long day in the house trapped by rain. Sooo, jumping on mommy's back and rolling off seemed like a good idea at the time. No, really it did. After the day we had, you would have done it too. I was ready to stab Ariel's plastic fin in my eyes if it would have kept them from fighting with other. Hmmm, I may have to remember that for next time.

Anyway, after 15 minutes Tessi, yes, it had to be her, stood up, jumped and came down on the one leg and it caught me right on the edge of the small of my back and yea verily, the snapage occurred.

Fortunately, Ted was home in about 2 minutes so he helped me up and walked me to bed. The real bummer about the whole thing was that I was supposed to go quilt last night at a friend's house. I really, really wanted to go do that. Someday, I will get that damn quilt done. Someday.

Today I am a bit better. Up and moving. The girls are going to school so even if I was in a body cast I'd get them there. For my friends and family reading; I am ok. It's sore and I'm "aware" of the back, but the stabbing pain as subsided, I promise.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hugs to you. Hey, at least they deliver wine to the home there, you don't even have to drive to good ol' Paradise to get your fix :) ~Tara