Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Teddy's Arm - Back to the Looney Bin

The dr called. She's happy with the position of Teddy's arm but because of the lack of movement she wants us to go back to the hospital tomorrow. She thinks he may need another cast but wants an orthopod to see it. I can't fault her for that...and I don't. It's out of her realm of expertise and I'd much rather she do that than have us tough it out for no reason.

So today after school I'll tell Teddy we're going back to the hospital. He's going to be really upset, so I hope I can find a way to ease his mind a bit. Poor kid has been through so much, but we have to get his arm better. I guess it's up to me how to figure out how to select the "No putz" option as we enter the hospital.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So thinking about you and your little man. I wish I were there to help out. Please tell Teddy it is Very IMPORTANT to let his arm heal properly in the right way. I won't go into long detail, but Scott broke his arm badly and it re-broke so he had to have surgery. I know Teddy doesn't want to go through all that again. Anyway, just trying to think of things you could tell him. Bribery is always good too...some new Legos? We'd send some over if we knew what he was lacking. Hugs from the Keys! - Tara