Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Major Whine

Sorry, I should say whinge since I'm on Oz. I'm still working on picking up the lingo. Just came home from Lifestart Open Playgroup. Both of my daughters are on the Autistic Spectrum and we go to this playgroup because we are waitlisted to get Connor in the actual program. We've been coming since November, they won't even discuss Tess because she's getting services elsewhere. But today the 2 new directors of Lifestart were there and wanted to hear the pros and cons of the place. So it starts, everyone goes around listing how fabulous Lifestart has been, what wonders it has performed for their children. All I could think was, great, I'm so thrilled for you - when can I get my daughters in? 7 months of being on the backburner is long enough.

I'm not even saying it's Lifestart's fault, I don't know anymore who's fault it is. All I want to do is have Connor and Tess get what they need so they can get through Life alright. And I'll admit it. I don't want to do this anymore. I'm tired of every aspect of their life's being an ordeal. There is no just getting up and doing something. Every action must be planned and all possible contingencies must have plans for them. And I'm tired of it. I just want them to be ok, so I don't have to worry anymore.

But we won't be getting that from Lifestart apparently. It's only taken me 7 months to figure out that we're SOL there - gosh, I'm quick aren't I? I guess in the end, it's my fault. I should never have counted on them to get us in. No more of that. No more of relying on other people to take care of things for me. So, first and last whine, fine damnit, whinge...about them. I think I'll put the girls in swimming lessons instead on Wed morning. At least then they'll get to fight over who gets to wear the Ariel swimsuit...damn...I mean cozzie. I'm learning.....

1 comment:

sallyj said...

Hey Cecelia, Sorry to her you've had a crappy day. That sounds pretty disappointing. You do a very good job with the chalenges you are faced with and the girls are lucky to have you. If it helps at all, Charlie has nits again, the dog keeps leaving suspicious marks behind him on the carpet and I'm ready to ship Will off to boarding school with his pre-teen, "I'm so bored" attitude. And let's not get started on the wet weather and the resulting laundry!!!! SPeak to you soon,
Sally xxxxxxxx