Saturday, June 28, 2008

My Cherubs

Here are some portraits taken of the girls at their preschool. I love these shots for the following reasons:

1. They were taken during school and therefore I did not have to be there to help get them to smile for the camera. I still have nightmares over last years unfortunate pictures at Pixie Photo. It was NOT pretty.

2. Their teachers swear that Connor and Tessi were happy to hold hands and did NOT use that as an opportunity to get the other one in a head lock...not sure I buy that.

3. They are gorgeous. Really, this isn't just a mother's love, these are some beautiful girls.

I don't get to enjoy my girls as much as I would like. It's hard to marvel in their wonder when I am trying to keep the veins from exploding in my neck. FYI...use your index finger to push the vein back in. Try to time the pressure with the pulsing, it helps.

I do love you Connor and Tessi, even if you weren't beautiful...but it does help when you two are killing each other.

1 comment:

Owens Family said...

Wow, those are stunning pictures and girls! I love how they captured them in their own environment vs. posed. They really are beautiful and that hair is FABULOUS!
Oh, and I agree- any picture that I didn't have to be a part of taking, is great no matter what!