Alright, Alright! Yes, a HUGE negative trend. In the is the glass half empty/full question, I'm more of a why bother, just drink it 'cause we're all gonna die eventually type of gal. But I do understand that the constant whining can get get old. I know that. I don't mean to sound whiney as I write this stuff, it just seems to come out that way. So Tuesday night I promised myself that Wednesday I was going to write about something positive that happened.
Yes, it would be a happy post about the joys of kids and the glee that can be found in the life of a stay at home mother. After all, I read lots of those type of Facebook postings from my friends. They seem utterly thrilled with their lives and those with kids seem to simply glow from the joy that they have in their kids. They find it, so can I. It's there. I went to bed after attending the most bizarre parent teacher coconference I had ever even heard of happening and looked forward to the HAPPY that I was sure to find the next day.
Wednesday came and throughout the day I found myself muttering, "Well, I sure as Hell can't post THAT!" and there were a few, "Nope, I'm sure as Hell not happy about that!" And my favorite random thought, "What kind of sick bastard would be happy about THAT?" Yes, Fate was not presenting me with bliss in my personal universe. Clearly this was a plot against me.
I decided that Wedenaday was not the best day to come up with joy material. Thursday would be better. Yes, that would work.
Thursday morning arrived and bewteen 6:45 am and 8:40 am I developed a pounding headache. I wasn't quite twitching, but there was a slight weekness next to my left eye so I did feel the need to hold my eye up. So no, no, Thursday morning was nothing to write home about. Not one bloody moment of happiness there.
Wait!!! I did have a good moments at a Ladies DIY class at the local hardware store. Two of my good friends joined me and that was a good time. It's good to remember what it was like to do an activity just because I wanted to rather than because it was good for one of my kids. We built a kitchen cabinet, sort of. It was a flat plat, pre-drilled wholes and cut to size so it was like assembling an Ikea piece, but it was good. Then we did a gardening project. Um, yeah...not my thing. I asked my friend (a REAL gardener) if she wanted my planter after I killed the plants. Knowing me as she did she just agreed. The woman running the class seemed a bit horrified and and offered for me to plant mint. Supposedly thats an herb that is "impossible to kill."
I admire her pluck, I really do. I smiled at her and promised, "Oh yes, you can kill it, and I have, " I can say this because there simply is no plant I can't kill. The planter is at home on the front porch now with rocket (arugula), basil and chives. I have closed all betting on when they will all be dead. It really can't be considered gambling anymore. Plant death, much like paying taxes is inevitable.
The rest of the afternoon had more of the "events that shall not be blogged about until a happy event occurs" - I was still convinced that I wasn't going to say anything until something blissful occurred. I wasn't going to blog about going to the last cricket practice of the season because while I had a great time chatting with my friend while her husband took Teddy to training -HA! Massive score for me getting to miss weeks of staring at paint training - there just wasn't the the euphoric glee that I was looking for. The "WOW" moment of happiness.
No, no. I am only posting about the awesome joy. The happy submits I see other people commenting on all the time on Facebook.
So here I am on Friday, furiously trying to figure out what to write. Do you really want to hear about the Turramurra High Parent Teacher Conference? Isn't it the same conference we all go to all around the world? I'm not sure I have anything particularly witty to say about that. Should I type about Connor speaking in the car for 15 minutes straight, with only 1 ten second break? Yes, I timed her and she really did it. Also yes, I went to bed with my ears ringing as soon as we got home. An update on still trying to kill the mouse? Really, I just bored myself with reading that.
No, I don't think I need to share the mundane. My week was not filled with awesome but it also wasn't horrible. Middle of the road. In my world, that counts as being a good week. So to steal from Seinfeld , this post is a post about nothing, I'm posting so I do get to count it as something, however in the end, it was really nothing.
Except the plants. 24 hours they are still alive, so I guess that is something.
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