Once again I've angered a very important person. I'm starting to think its in my genetic make-up. I really do have a talent . Although this time there are two major differences, 1. I am taking intense pride in my role and 2. This person is actually important.
When I dropped my son off at school this morning he was so angry he could only speak in muttering voicing and was incapable of answering his sister's baiting him to fight. That's some powerful anger. My sin you ask? I had the unmitigated gall to have him change his sweater (jumper) and socks and sneakers to the school uniform ones. Burning in Hell I am.
See after 5 years at Normanhurst Public my son has decided that the rules about the uniform don't really apply to him. He can choose which parts he agrees with and better yet, what he doesnt. For example, he can wear his bright burnt orange UT sweatshirt to school instead of the blue NPS one because he's cold and doesn't want to change it. Yes, Sydney has some blistery cold mornings, I think we've been averaging 10-12 degrees- thats 60-65 first thing when we wake up. Surely its cruel to make him withstand those brutish temps for the 15 seconds it takes to switch the jumpers. When I suggested that he could put the school one on to start with it was made abundantly clear that I was obviously missing.the.entire.point. I know that because he told me so.
However today when I saw the white socks and sneakers and pointed them out I was told his class was partaking in a physical fitness program and he needed runners (sneakers) to wear. I gently and with love, lots of love, reminded him that at HIS insistence I paid a hefty fee for black runners that look like school shoes. Then suddenly he didn't know where thhe shoers were. They were magically transported to the ever popular hidey hole for wayward shoes dimension. Oddly enough, I learned that the magic words to force the forces of evil to return the shoes to our universe are,"Find the shoes before I do, because if I find them, things precious to you are going away". And behold the apparence the the shoes! Truly this is the work of the Lord....
Surely at this point this boy who has worn the same clothes 4 days a week for 5 years, understands I'm not screwing around and dresses in his uniform. You would like to think that he was smart enough to assess the level of my annoyance and toe the line. Yes, he toed it and then flipped the pinky toe right over it. Walking past me I look down and the little snot still has on his white socks, not the uniform blue and gray ones. WHY, you ask? Get this, he actually said this,"Um, we have Fitness today and um those school ones gets holes in them.". Riiiight, not his rock solid white ones, no those are are made from titanium I guess.
Evil Troll Mom sent him back to him room to try again. Somehow he managed to survive his trials and emerged decked out impersonating an NPS student. This all came at a high price I must say. A 17 minute ride to school with almost complete silence. I'm crushed, just crushed I say. Obviously I need to work harder on my interpersonal communication skills.