Waking up with the flu this morning I've spent the entire day in bed begging for the Angel of Death to come. I have not left the bed at all, completely shirking my duties for the day. I'm fortunate because Ted is still at home and much better than I am at stepping in and taking over. He really is good. Kids were fed, dressed and taken to school on time and as far as I know, the police haven't arrived to question him about anything. In my book that's impressive. Thank you Babe, you are the best.
Sadly though, Death never arrived and slowly my head is starting to ache less and the chills have subsided. All that's left is exhaustion and laying in bed. Since I am physically incapable of not multi-tasking that leaves me to surf on the Internet. Below is a group of topics that grabbed my interest, for no particular reason and I thought I'd put my own personal spin on them.
1. The rioting around the world over a film. Well, you don't have to know me very well to know that I am a huge fan of the freedom to speak. It's a founding criteria of a civilized society in my opinion. However here is a situation where both sides have got it wrong. Yes, this filmmaker had a right to make his film. It's not slanderous or libelous. It's also not any good either. This isn't some piece about unveiling truth about Mohammad or describing the faith. It's just a bunch of pot shots taken because he felt like it. Yea, he has a right to say but he's still a twit for saying in the way he did. The people rioting? Good God, you make nutter extremists look like Quakers. It's a film. If your faith is so offended by it then perhaps it isn't as strong as you think. Grow up.
2. Purse Shopping. Since I bought the iPad there's been one major thing on my mind. I need to get a new purse to accommodate it. My current purse is too small to contain the iPad and my 1200 utterly necessary things I have to have with me at all times. It's obvious, isn't it? But finding a purse large enough to contain the awesomeness yet still be smaller than a steamer trunk, have some look of fashionability and cost less than weekly monthly electricity bill has become a Hercelean task. Why, why, why is it so difficult for some designers to understand that with purses women's needs are fairly simple. We like to have choices, sure, but matronly is seldom one of them. Cute, and feminine do not have to mean over-the-top drag queenish. I want a bag large enough to hold my iPad, hold my keys and phone somewhere I can get to them easily and I need room for my wallet, some pens, bandages, a few thousand hair elastics, random McDonalds toys, iPods, Littlest Pet Shop animals and the occasional Xbox controller. I need to be able to walk around with this person and not need a trolley cart to carry it on. I want it in a fun, but not ugly color. Come on, really. This should not be that hard.
3. Social Skills with "Peers" With all the playground nonsense I've had to put up with the last few weeks I thought I'd look up terms like "Mommy Mafia" or "Queen of the playground" and "Dealing with other Parents" just to see what other people are enduring. Surely our little school in Normanhurst is one of the few places dealing with control and power issues? Dear God, I'm not even remotely right. Google any of those terms and you will come up with 1000's of stories, blogs and photos about the dealing with these people. One of my favorites blogs described the one belle as timing her entrance onto the schoolyard as to get the highest number of people watching her; yet not so early as not not look eager. This mum would smile as her entourage would face to greet her and then scowl at those she had deemed "uncool" My favorite part: "As she looked over her kingdom, I wondered how sad her life must really be if this was the best part of her day. How furious would she be if she realized that no one, including her posse, was as impressed with her as she was. Then I laughed and turned back to my uncool friends and talked about important things, like stain removal tips." I admit it, I laughed out loud at that. Of course my uncool friends and I don't usually talk about laundry, unless it's about getting wine stains out.
4. NAPLAN results came in today. This is the standardized test given to Year 3, 5, 7, 9 NSW students to prove they are learning at least level appropriateness. As a former employee of The Pychological Corp and a standardized test grader I can confidently say these tests are crap. There sole purpose is to give politicians something to hold up at election time and scream that they care about education. I have always told Teddy and now Connor, who is terrified of making mistakes, not to worry about the test. All I ask is that they spell their names right and not draw pictures when coloring in the bubbles. I make sure they know that pass or fail, the test doesn't affect them at all. Then I refused to talk about the NAPLAN at all. You know what? My poor panic-struck Connor got her results today and scored better than everyone in the state and her class in every category save one, math.
HA! Feeling a little superior again with parenting right now. Dont worry, that will fade the next time I officiate a fight involving the TV, hitting someone's bum and disgusting noises. I meant all 3 of those in the same fight, by the way. Yes, that has happened, don't judge.