Showing posts with label mommy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mommy. Show all posts

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Differences Between Kids and Adults

Don't smirk at me.  I mean besides the obvious ones.  I'm sick.  Cut me some slack.

Last Friday Teddy woke up with a death cold.  He wasn't faking.  Sneezing, headache, body aches, the works.  I gave him a panadol (Tylenol) around 8 am as it took me an hour to fully believe that he was sick and not just messing with me.  Anyway, I drove the girls to school came back home and started on some work I had to do.  By about 11:30 he was better.  By better I mean perfectly damn fine.

Sigh...I knew I gave him the medicine too soon.  Damn it.  Really that was a rookie mistake.  So he's home, healthy and bored off his butt.  Lovely.  It was a long day until I left to get the girls.

Fast forward a few days to yesterday which was Wednesday.  I had a rather long day - which I mentioned on my FB page but really don't feel like typing again.  Last night I started sneezing and my throat hurt.  Crap.  The little bastard gave me his cold.  I woke up this morning moaning and making the horrible old lady noises without even moving.  That's when I knew I was in trouble.  Usually I have to at least stand up before the noises start erupting.  Whoooo Boy, Mama is sick.

Only I don't get to just lay in bed.  I have to get the kids up and out or else they'll be home all day with me...that's not even worth joking about.  So I stumble around swearing occasionally...alright I may define occasionally different than some of you.   However to my mind I was still exercising some considerable restraint.

I got the kids to school and on the drive I only had to ask twice, "Where am I going?" and then Teddy directed me along.  Not bad.  I'm home now and I'm blogging this, and I plan to buy some rook racks for the car on Ebay and then I'm going to bed until 2 until it's time to get the minions.

The difference you asked through bored clenched teeth? 

I could pop all the drugs I want right now and I still won't be better until at least tomorrow - if I'm lucky.  That little snot had ONE panadol (Tylenol) and was FINE 3 1/2 hours later.  I could shoot up painkillers and enjoy a scotch chaser and I'll STILL be sick tomorrow.  Why?

Mainly I think it's because children are actually alien spawn and their human bodies are delivered by the mother ship until they are in their 20's.  Once the real bodies are here on Earth they start to react normally to colds and medicines.  Think about explains a lot.

The other reason, much less entertaining is that Teddy got to lay down and do nothing for hours.  I got3 kids up and out for school - Ted was here and did help quite a bit, I do want to acknowledge that.  But I packed 3 lunches, and did a load of laundry which I will hang outside in a few minutes.  I'm cancelling Tessi's SLT therapy tonight but I will still have to trek out at 7:30 to pick up Teddy from AFL training as Ted has another corporate kegger to attend.

Yes, I'm goofing off here instead of resting, I know.  Trust me, I will pay for that.  But  still think if I could beat down that stupid voice in my head that says, "The dishes have been in the sink almost 24 hours - doooo theeemmm"  or "laundry won't hannnggg itsellllffff" then I might be able to recuporate.  Many years ago a friend of mine was sick and I was trying to encourage her to rest.  She piped up with words of wisdom her grandmother told her, "If every woman laid down every time she was sick the world would stop"

Think about that.  It would stop.  YOU KNOW WHY????  WE DO A CRAP LOAD OF STUFF!  Maybe if one or two of us sat down a bit more people might realize that we are doing some needed things and send help.

Sorry, that must be the fever delusions talking.  Alright, I'm off to take advantage of a quiet house for a few hours.  After of course, I get the laundry hung, wash the dishes and sweep the floor.

Then again, I might just say bugger it and download some good trashy books and daydream at boarding school websites.