Saturday, March 30, 2013
This Old House or Tool Time?
Thursday, March 28, 2013
Six Years and Counting
After six years I would not even remotely call myself an expert on Australian life. How can I? I've only seen a small tiny fraction of it. However I have learned quite a bit about Aussies and myself.
Bits and Pieces that I learned only after moving here:
1. It's considered rude to sit in the back of a cab. That's right. If you need to get a taxi you are expected to sit up front with the driver. Aussies work very hard at not being one is too good for anything. That includes sitting up front with the person you are paying to drive you around.
2. They put beets on most sandwiches here. Even hamburgers. I had heard this one before we came here but honestly I thought it was a joke. The joke was on me though when I ordered a hamburger and it came with the thick slice of purple death. The beet is as ingrained in Aussie culture as Vegemite. I have no idea why, no one can explain it to me. It's just there...lurking.
3. Equinoxes. I've mentioned this in my blog before but it's worth repeating. To an Australian, the first day of Spring is March 1st and the first day of Autumn (they refuse to call it Fall) is September 1st. Winter is June First and of course Summer is December First. When I asked what about the equinox I got a tight, "I'm just barely tolerating you, Yank" smile and was told again that it was the first of the month. Sure the rest of the planet doesn't start tipping until the 21st of the month but apparently it starts tipping on the 1st here.
4. Aussies put butter on rolls for sausages. Seriously. I can't handle that one. I get downright belligerent when someone tries to hand me a buttered roll to put a sausage in. Most of my close friends know not to do that. My really close friends know to do it just to watch my head explode.
5. Closing for a holiday means every bloody thing you need will be closed. I grew up in the great retail world of the US. Sure SOME things close on holidays but you could always find something open when you need something. Not here. Tomorrow is Good Friday and EVERYTHING will be closed. Shops, gas stations, work, schools, libraries, movies, everything. Now most everything will be closed again on Easter. That one always confused me. Everything is closed on the Friday but Sunday most reopen? Again when I ask why I get a confused look. Then I'm told, it just is....
6. There are two kinds of mammals that lay eggs. The platypus and the echidna. I had NO idea! I could have sworn there was only one. Okay, maybe that's not a major "break in with the news" detail but I thought it was a cool fact. They are both really weird looking too. They definitely fit in with the theory that Australia is the land of weird stuff that couldn't survive anywhere else on the planet.
7. My last information tidbit is about the Australian prime minister. For the past couple of years our fearless leader is Ms. Julia Gillard. I absolutely love that she is the prime minister of a large nation. No, I'm not a Julia Gillard supporter; in fact I think she is a true politician and therefore not to be trusted. However, I love that she is in charge right now. Why? Because she is so openly hated. I don't know anyone who doesn't have a nasty thing to say about her. Even the sweetest, kindest people I know have vile opinions about her.
So what's to love you ask?
Well, I LOVE and adore that even though she is despised and reviled, no one and I do mean no one hates her because she is a woman, an atheist and is unmarried and living with her partner. They hate her because of what policies she supports and how she behaves in Parliament. I still shake my head with surprise and shock when I think of it.
This woman couldn't have been elected dog catcher in Texas. A state which openly touts a law forbidding atheists from holding public office. You can be against funding for public schools, rally for the Klu Klux Klan and have multiple drunk driving convictions but as long as you go to church you are good to go in Texas. It was heart breaking to live there sometimes. It really was.
When I read about the political hypocrites back in the US screaming bloody murder about nothing and dead silence about important things I sit and think fondly about our dear hated Ms. Gillard and I thank God I live here.
I could go on and on about Australia and I'm sure I will in future posts. If you've been reading my work for a while you know that many of my musings about Australia will contain my run-ins with the bugs, spiders and snakes. I'm not going to lie to you and say I'm sure I will learn to appreciate them. I firmly believe the little buggers are actively trying to kill me. All I can hope for is that someday I can post about them without sobbing, hiccuping tears. That will be a major step in my assimilating to Australia plan.
The next six years will be eventful for my family and me I'm sure. You can't raise 3 kids moving into the teen years in a foreign country and not be eventful. No matter what though, I do hope the years find us still here Down Under. Come visit if you can. I'll remind you about the beets.
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
What I Should be Doing
I walked by all of that to come in here and type. As I'm typing I am waiting for a book to download. When it's done I"m sooooo out of here. I'm going to spend the next hour reading trash and doing nothing substantial. I've earned it.
Today I got 3 kids up and out to school. Despite some serious effort on their part I did not kill any of them. No really, you can check...all left my house breathing.
Keep in mind that for the benefit of this posting I am counting swearing under the breath and pouting as breathing.
All 3 survived to at least the school campus and I braved the pre-Easter grocery store with 5000 of my local Aussies. I managed to get a parking spot after only 3 laps and I only had to cut off one elderly person to do it.
Don't give me that look. She was milking it with her walker trying to get sympathy; you and I both know it. I don't feel bad at all.
I got through the store with 1/2 of my ankle intact, as I had a run-in with a power mom pushing a very posh stroller that seemed to think I wasn't moving fast enough. I counter-attacked by taking the last bag of carrot-shaped chocolates she was diving for.
Ha! Take that Soccer Mom! Thought you were going to throw me off by driving the baby stroller into the back of my leg?
Girl I've got 3 kids. I have stretch marks that are longer than the scratch you left on me.
Please. You didn't even slow me down.
Fresh from the battle I've made it home and I have dragged myself and the groceries through the squalor. It's a genuine catastrophe out there. I'm sure there are government agencies lining up trying to declare it a disaster area. Plus it's almost 30 degrees...that's 90 degrees for my Imperial loving friends. At the end of March. That's like 90 degrees at the end of September. Sure if you live in Texas that's not unusual but I DON'T LIVE THERE ANYMORE. That's WHY I don't live there anymore.
So for the record it's hot, the minions are gone, the mouse was exterminated last night and I've survived the shops. If that isn't enough cause to justify trashy literature on the couch in this world...than this is a world I don't want to live in.
Oooh! Book is done. See ya!
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Drowning in the Stupid
It's so bad right now that I've caught myself wondering if the aluminum foil hat the crazy people wear to keep the aliens out may actually work to cut down on the Stupid seeping into my brain. In fact, I bet that's what the purpose was the whole time. I certainly can believe that we are in more danger of stupid people than an alien race that's intelligent enough to grasp the complexities of intergalactic space travel but still have their nefarious plans of mind control thwarted by a thin sheet of a metallic element.
So don't be so quick to judge. Think it over a bit. I haven't made the hat yet. But that's because all I have is the Aussie aluminium and not the good American aluminum. Once I get some I'm going to make it and see if it works. I'm getting desperate. I have to do something to shield my poor brain from everything that is sucking intelligent thought from it.
Right now though, marauding aliens are preferable to the particular brand of the Stupid I am battling. Yes, bring me probing aliens rather than the Pre-teen Maximus Stupidus. Far, far less painful.
This morning Connor was desperate to do a chore for some money. However she didn't want a chore that involved real work so she settled for searching the house for dirty cups and plates. They would only be found in the living room and Teddy's room. So not really a lot of effort, her kind of work. She came to tell me that she found the girls' touch in Teddy's room. Since he has a touch and iphone she didn't understand why hers and Tessi's touch would be there. She really wasn't trying to rat him out, she was just genuinely confused.
I thanked her for giving me the touch and sent her on her way because I knew damn well why the touch was there. I sat and counted to 75 before I got my mind back enough to form sentences. Once I counted to 200 and still could only stutter. I would classify this event as a medium rage point on my chart of Things Mom Loses Her Ever-loving Mind Over.
Here's why I knew what the touch was doing being in Himself's room.
I have always banned the internet in bedrooms. I really don't want the kids to have unfettered access to the great unknown. There is a centrally located kids computer that they know I can see what they are doing. They do have Touch's, access to my beloved iPad and Teddy has his iPhone. Just not in their rooms. Teddy keeps "forgetting" and taking his phone into his room. I put forgetting in parenthesis because only an idiot would believe that it wasn't on purpose. Teddy keeps doing it because at twelve, he is convinced I am an idiot.
Last week when Teddy came home sick I told him to leave his phone on the pool table and he didn't. He took it into his room and watching gaming videos on YouTube I caught him and said from now on he could only have his phone as he was walking out the door to school and then he had to return it to me on his way in the door. I pointed out that the only damn reason he had a phone was for MY peace of mind. Also, I pointed out that I don't want it in his room.
Duly chastised, we went about our merry way. Now he is deprived of his access to awesomeness since he doesn't have a large data plan and he knows if he maxes out his limit we won't buy him anymore. The only place he can watch his videos is at home.
So what does Captain Genius do? He knows that I have his phone with me at night and I also have his touch so of course, he takes his sisters'.
But does he put it back in the morning so no one knows?
Of course not. He forgets and leaves it on his bed where anyone who walks in can see it. On top of that he doesn't know to clear the history so I can see everything he's watched on YouTube or looked up on Safari or Chrome. By the way, that is a GOOD case of the Stupid....I'm very glad he doesn't know to do that yet. So everyone Shhhhhhh, mum's the word. Ixnay on the alkingtay about the istoryhay.
But the other Stupid, ohhhhh, that I need to end. Sneaking the touch into his room? He can use the kids computer. He wasn't even looking up bad stuff. He searched for and watched gaming videos. He wasn't even watching the games I don't like! What the Hell?!!!! There was nothing wrong with what he did other than it was in his room. Why hide it?
My eye has been twitching all day because more than anything I am annoyed with how stupid he was about it. Sure it was dumb to take it into his room but then leave it so anyone can find it? If you are going to be dishonest and deceptive at least do it behind peoples back so they don't know!
No, he has to be overwhelmed with the Stupid, that has to be it. It must be beyond his control. Almost like a cloud that descends upon him and he can't see his way out of it. It's an ethereal being that envelopes him and prevents intelligent thought from seeping into his skull. Yes, that must be it. It has to be.
Because if it's not... If his brain is so addled that he doesn't understand that he is fooling no one I truly fear for his safety. Not just from his ability to stop himself from walking into walls but from me snapping and flicking his head to death.
I'm headed out to the shops now to buy champers and foil. I can't wait anymore for the good stuff to arrive, will work with the Aussie aluminium. When you see me walking around with my hat just remember, it's ok. I'm in a better place now, being shielded from the Stupid. If you are nice to me, maybe I'll make you one too.
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Live by the Calendar, Die by the Calendar
Let this be a lesson to you all. ALWAYS READ THE FINE PRINT!
I have a family of five so I have a calendar on my phone, ipad, fridge, computer room, a small one in my purse and one in my car. In a pinch any piece of paper can be turned into a calendar, just remember to bring the paper to one of your standard calendars and apply the information. If you don't you'll end up with an angry friend wanting to know where the hell you are and you can't even pretend you never got an invite because she saw you write it on the back of your child's report card.
Not that I've ever done that.
No, no, of course not. My house runs with Swiss clock precision.
If Swiss precision now means drunken midgets (stolen from Denis Leary, ie famous person) yodeling Edelweiss (stolen from James "Scooter" Summers, ie infamous person in my friends circle) while shooting random events into the air and seeing what sticks, then yes, that's us!
I get my fridge calendar for Christmas...yes, it's become of one my regular gifts. Keep your jewelry and perfume, I need my Mommy Organizer. After the holidays I sit and write out all the regular events. Birthdays, holidays, school calendars and the like. Then as activities pop up, I add them to all my calendars.
Teddy's sporting schedule is pretty easy. Cricket and AFL always have training on Thursday nights, with cricket games during the summer on Saturday and AFL during the winter on Sunday. Both my girls did Little Athletics this year with the events on Saturday. Ted and I split up the games with him to Little A's and me to cricket. All worked out fine. Tessi has basketball on Monday evenings and so far is either at 5 or 5:45. Not the best times for me but hey, I can adapt. I'm flexible.
Connor did have piano but that's off this term and Tessi had her reading help on Wedensdays. That used to be after school but she was showing up exhausted so we moved to during school, just for a few weeks to see if that helps. Friday Connor has started Kids Club after school and I've been juggling how to get her home but hey, a little extra effort and we're good.
That had been working fine for a while. It's hectic, but we're moving along. Then we found out that Under 13's for AFL practice twice a week. Tuesday and Thursday from 6:30 - 8. Ooohhh. Not great. This is not good for my evenings at all. Must be done though, we are team players and that is that. I work it out with Ted to drive straight to the park after he gets off the train and he takes the girls home and then I stay with Teddy until 8. Unlike all the other activities in our lives Rofe Park is just 3 minutes from our house. It's the best compromise I can come up with right now to fit everything into the schedule.
Now for weeks I've been trying to find a flute tutor for Connor. Have had a bear of a time but finally I managed to get one. 6:25-6:45 on Wednesday nights.
Ok-ay....really not good. Not good at all.
Again, though, there is no choice. She has to be in lessons to stay in Training Band and I've already bought the damn flute. So she's in. Into the calendars the entry goes.
Monday I notice that the girls school pictures are on Wednesday. Hmmm, if Tessi is late to school for her reading help she will miss the pictures and that is a pain to reschedule. No good, that entry can't stay. I call her reading teacher and for one week only, we move her appointment back to Wednesday at 3:30. Sure I've got Connor's lesson at 6:15 but I will race home to get dinner sorted and Teddy can watch Tessi until Ted gets home. It's fine. Pencil that in.
Then a few hours later I learn that Teddy has to stay after school on Wed and I have to come get him at 4 pm because there are no buses running then.
This is bad. Very, very bad, I can't get to Turramurra until at least 4:30. In a panic I ask my friend Judie who lives by the high school if Teddy can walk there after school and stay with her until I can get him. I explain that we will need to hang out there until at least 6pm so we can go straight to Connor's lesson. No problem she assures me. She's a great friend like that.
I calm down, knowing that I have done my job and the week is settled. It's time to start doing the normal chores I need to. I go back to work on the miserable stinking bane of my exsistence...the entertainmnet center that I wanted to build. I put wanted in the past tense because I no longer want to do it. I want to give up and set it all on fire and just go out and buy the piece of furniture like normal people. However since normal go running and screaming into the night from my family I'm stuck continuing the build.
Yesterday ends with AFL practice and I have an organized plan for Wednesday. Everything is as it should be.
What I didn't count on was getting an email during the night saying that the Thursday night AFL training has now been moved to Wednesday night because some Sydney Swans (local pro team) are coming to run practice. G..r...e..a..t...I'm so damn thrilled. This morning I was in a panic trying to do the girls hair in cute pretty styles for the stupid school pictures and trying to figure out how to put in yet another damn event for the night. All before I had my cup of tea.
Unfair, un-bloody fair.
So I texted a friend and begged her watch Tessi at the AFL training while I dash to the stupid flute lesson. Being awesome, she agrees.
There..I did it. Every minute from 2:55 until 6:45 is perfectly planned and organized. Dinner is chicken in a crock pot...not the KFC special (which under the circumstances would have been perfectly acceptable, by the way!)
I am Mother, hear me roar.
Yeah, Fate heard me roar alright. And then fell over laughing hysterically and pointing at me with the fickle finger of fate.
Rotten Cow.
Driving back from taking the girls to school I get the dreaded phone call from the high school. Teddy is sick and wants to come home.
All my appointment swapping, friend coercing for help, map-juggling and calendar bending has all been for naught. I have driven myself nuts for days and it all switches again. And do you know what the best part out of all of this?
This isn't even a bad week. That's right people. I and every other stay at home parent in the world, go through this just about every week. I can't speak for working parents because I don't know their routines. I'm sure it's just as hellish....but a different kind of hellish.
So for all the pompous arrogant people out there who wonder just what we parents do all day, never mind.... you couldn't possibly understand.
Until you get excited about getting new calendars and calendars that organize calendars it just won't make any sense to you. For those who do understand, I have extra Panadol and Tylenol this week, but I'm not sharing. I need for when things get really bad.
Saturday, March 16, 2013
Juvenile is the New Black
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
A Day I Asked For
Friday, March 8, 2013
Something About Nothing
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
Using Capitalism to My Advantage
-Gordon Gekko,Wall Street
I bet Stanley Weiser and Oliver Stone had no idea they were actually writing about one of the cornerstones of parenting when they penned this jewel. Most of the cute parenting by people who may be around kids but also have staff to deal with them; never seem to mention the benefits of of good old fashioned greed.
Personally, I think taking advantage of a child's capitalistic nature is essential to the surviving of raising children. Nothing, and I mean nothing motivates kids like money. Money is power. Money means the ability to control what they own; what they use to entertain themselves. Sure, we kids ourselves into thinking we are shaping their minds but in the end when they have the coin...they buy what they want. Unless I'm standing over them them like the fist of God knocking something out of their hands, but for the most part, my story stands.
Teddy has had a weekly allowance for a few years. Connor started hers last year on her birthday. Tessi is counting the seconds until her birthday until hers magically appears. Money is doled out and they use it at their discrection. I make the older two put $.50 of their money into savings but other than that, it's their prerogative on how to spend it.
Lately though I've been noticing that the gratitude for the money has been waxing and waning. Thursday comes and I'm bombarded with, "Can I have my allowance?" A bored face stands there waiting to be gifted with monies. Usually this comes right in the middle of me working around the house. Cleaning or cooking or working. I don't get paid yet these kids want money. It always infuriates me to be interupted in the middle of doing work around the house to help them avoid doing work. Hmmmm. I'm usually walking around threatening and cajoling, trying to get them to perform some task. Or if it's assigned chores time I'm hit with "what are my chores?" and "Really, I have to do that?" right at a time I can't be stuffed to come up with something they can do because I'm in the middle of doing something they can't quite do yet.
I was um..I mean researching ideas the other day on Pinterest and I saw a pin about putting chores on the backs of magnets and having kids select the chores and get paid for them. No, I'm not going to show the Pinterest picture. I think we all know by now now that mere mortals are incapable of copying these color-coordinated displays of crafty glory. You are just going to have to see my photos and imagine them in HD gingham checks and glitter.
Here I have put out the bait. Also known as the list of chores I need to be completed.
I didn't say a word about it. Yesterday afternoon I just brought the girls home from school and thought I would see if anyone noticed. Of course, Connor saw it in under five minutes. She came up to me asking how much she could get paid for doing chores. Also she is willing to give me list of chores she is will to do for money. Thanks Sweetie, not ready to offer money for annoying the crap out of your brother, but I appreciate the offer.
This is good news though. The minions are intrigued. Makes things easier. I tell her that we have to wait until Teddy gets home because I don't want to explain it more than once.
By the way, that sentence is absolutely hysterical if you have kids. No matter how you condense it. NO matter how you compile the will ALWAYS have to explain something at least 4 times before it gets in. At least.
Himself comes in from school and the buzz is going on furiously. is offering money..... They gather at the table and the discussion begins.
I announce that allowances are being discontinued. There is a brief gasp of horror then a quiet explanation of what discontinued means. I'm not going to say which kid needed it...I will just make a note that a thesurus is a possible Easter present now.
I explain that the magnets are worth money. Large ones $2, middle ones $1 and small $.50. When the chore is completed they bring the magnet to me and I check to see that the chore is done correctly....yes, there was a muffled. "damn"....but I let it go....not really isnt the time to bust them on my no swearing rule. Also, I honestly want sure which one said it.
After chore is deemed complete I will give them one of these.
They will collect the tickets and turn them into me for money. We can exchange tickets for cash weekly, monthly or whenever they get a big enough haul. Cold, hard cash money. The language that all bipedal creatures speak. Finally, I have supreme confidence that they are listening to every word I say.
After I'm done speaking, yes, they actually sat and listened, there was a group conference. True camaraderie seldom exists between this lot so I brace myself for the hit.
What about chores that are too difficult to do alone?
Hmm, oh...that's a good question... Walking the dog alone is unsafe for the girls. They can't handle Damn Dog. So I say that I will share the $ on that chore alone. Both girls can get $.50 each for walking the dog. However, other chores that are shared, ie...wash and hang clothes the cash will be split. Teddy is unamused about this but little lecture about "sucking it up cupcake" and "the better paid jobs are easier for you to do" and he was back on board.
I take this moment to mention that I have marked the tickets and I will know if someone has "accidentally" taken a ticket and not done the work. I haven't done this of course; I do have some sort of a life, but I'm not telling them that. Teddy pipes in with an impressive list of different scenerios and their punishments for breaking the rules and cheating. I tell him to try hard and not cheat me. Also, If I catch anyone with extra tickets I will take ALL the tickets and distribute them amongst the remaining siblings.
THAT brought out a fury of discussion, let me tell you. A quivering lip asked, "But what if we lose the tickets?" These was my moment to present this:
Plastic, zip lock bags with cute pictures with their names on it. Use these to save the tickets in. However, should you lose them....too damn bad. You are out of luck.
I did mention though that if I found some chores weren't being done I would just assign them and they would be completed for free...
I'll be honest, the crickets were chirping a bit there for a few minutes. After some eyelids blinked very hard they all stood up and collectively began sorting through the chores. I believe there was telepathic communication between them to just ignore that crazy nonsense the evil troll just spouted.
The next 45 minutes was filled with a mad rush of chores being done. In fact, I hear the sad laments moaning about the lack of work to do. Music, sweet music to my ears. The girls and I left for basketball with a house full of clean windows, swept steps, fed dog and knowledge the dishwasher would be emptied when it was done running.
Now I'm not crazy, I know this won't last. Already we are having issues about reserving chores and stealing all the "good" ones. But for right now my budding capitalists are running around desperate for work.
Yes, verily, greed is good. Off to have a cuppa at my nicely cleaned kitchen table.
Sunday, March 3, 2013
I Brought My In-Laws Joy
Every week we try to Skype with my in-laws and my father. It's a way of keeping the kids involved with the grandparents and keeping everybody invovled with each others lives. We do this either on Saturday or Sunday, depending on the sport season we are in. Rright now we're finishing up the Cricket and Little Athletics season which means we are gone all day Saturday so we try Skype on Sundays. In a few weeks we will be moving onto AFL, which is on Sunday so we will be moving the Skype time to Saturday mornings.
Sent from my iPhone
Saturday, March 2, 2013
Operation Jerry Busting
Friday, March 1, 2013
Drawing a Line with Mother Nature
Monty Cat has brought mice into the house for a long time. Not constantly, just every couple months or so. He's a typical cat, so he plays with them before he kills them. I've never really liked that so I always try to rescue them from him and return them outdoors. Torturing for pleasure just does not sit well with me. Plus these are not the mice this American family is used to. Monty brings in Australian Hopping mice. They look different from the common mice I grew up with. Below is a picture.
Aren't they adorable?! They have big, long pointed ears and they hop. They look like a cross between bunnies and mini kangaroos. Just so tiny and precious. They are soooo cute. You take one look at them and can hear the collective, "Awhhhhhhhhhh"
Yeah well, I'm done with that crap. The little bastards have crossed a line with me today and I'm going out and buying extra rusty, sharp and painful mouse traps. I'm not confronted with notions of humane removal. I want pain, fear and a lot of panic from these buggers. There are two now. One upstairs in my room and one downstairs in the kitchen. At least right now there are two. Tomorrow I plan to hang their skins from my flag pole as a warning to other rodents.
Before you leave this site in search of phone numbers to call and turn me in for animal abuse, please listen to my tale of woe. As with most of my life, there is a story behind all this hatred and animosity.
Last week I realized that one of Monty's "toys" had managed to set up residence underneath the cabinet I built in the master bathroom. Yes, I built it. Not IKEA build, but actual cutting wood, assemble with glue and nails and paint. I'm quite proud of that cabinet. But I've been hearing an odd scratching noise during the night and then an odd odor was appearing in the bathroom, even when it was clean. I moved the cabinet around and there he was. Mickey Mouse, him and his pile of filth. He's been chewing on the back board of my cabinet and has created his own condo living space. Ummm, not really so cute and adorable after all.
Still trying to be gentle, I eased the cabinet some more and tried to coax the little guy out. The stupid jerk repaid my kindness by running through Monty's water dish, then over my foot and then climbed into my bathtub. Then as I after I stopped squealing like a 3 year old because "IT TOUCHED ME!" I tip-toed up to the tub to find that the little bastard had shimmied down the drain.
Now, even this was not my breaking point. Nope, I was still holding it together. I even surprised myself. "Must be getting used to Australia," I chucked to myself. I cleaned up underneath the cabinet and figured that Mousey was gone. This was evidenced by the fact that the room stayed clean and there was no scratching sound at night.
Around the same time downstairs in the kitchen some odd events. I left 1/2 a loaf of cheese and bacon bread on the counter over night. My bad, sue me. I stumbled into the kitchen in the I do every morning...because I hate the morning and it takes me a while to stop hating every one's guts. This is is why it's important for me to have my tea. It saves lives.
Anyway, I blundered in the room and noticed something odd about the bread. Considering the glaze over my eyes this is impressive. Walking closer it looked like a melon ballet had been used to hole outta chunk of bread.
"Maybe Daddy did it?" That was the pearl that Tessi came up with to explain the hole.
"No Baby, at 6am Daddy has no interest in a melonballer or bread; he's hauling himself out the door to catch the train.
Then we both laughed. Teddy's idea of working with food in the kitchen is chucking sausage rolls in the microwave since he can't be stuffed to turn the oven on. We giggled for a few minutes and started coming up with real solutions.
Another mouse. It had to be. There was a second damn mouse living in my house. I had left the window open a bit to let some air in and the bugger got in that way. Okay, problem solved. I shut all the windows and scrubbed the hell outta the kitchen counter -hey don't look so surprised. Mice on the counters are gross, hell, even I clean for that.
So goes the next few days. I wake up in the morning and see more evidence of Mousey in my bathroom and go downstairs and find that bananas are half eaten. I am cleaning furiously and starting to lose it.
Today though a line has been crossed and I'm done.
At 3 am I woke up to hear Monty leaping around the room and banging into things. "Good boy. Get the bugger" I hear thumping, squeaking, a whooshing sound and something I can't describe, sounds like tearing? Maybe? I dunno. I'm too tired to care. I'm sure as hell not getting up because I don't want to see the carnage. Then as suddenly as it began, the noises stopped and Monty jumped on the bed, snuggled near my feet and all was quite. I figure I'll let Ted deal with the mouse in the morning. After all, he's worked late a couple days this week and left me to handle his children. He can remove one dead mouse. I call it Balance. He calls it petty revenge but this isn't his story and none of my friends care what he thinks anyway. So there.
Only that's not what happens. I'm not re-woken at 6am to the sound of Ted swearing. I wake at 6:45 on my own and there is no dead mouse. Anywhere. What I do see is hundreds of pulled threads in my very expensive curtains. It seems that Monty has tried to climb up the curtains to get the mouse and failed miserably. Curtains that came with the house and we are liable for. I swish the curtains around, hoping at least to be comforted by the corpse of a well and truly punished rodent.
But the buggering thing is not there. Not anywhere. The wretched cat didn't kill anything. Racing into the bathroom and I'm greeted with a sink and bathtub that have been turned in a rodent public toilets. Monty has the unmitigated gall to start caterwauling for food. FOOD! Really? You had a damn feast delivered to you last night. No kibble for you!
After I scrub, sandblast and vaporize the bathroom I storm downstairs. Go into my kitchen and find this:
The rotten little monster has eaten through the bag and tunneled a hole in the bread. It's the last bit of damn bread I have in the house so now I can't make sandwiches for the girls lunch. We already did a lunch order on Wed at the school canteen and now I have to do another one.
For my American friends who don't grasp why this is so awful, canteen is bloody expensive. I pay about $16 for both girls to have lunch and some treats every week. To do it twice?!!! No, no, no.
For Aussie friends who don't understand why the Americans are confused, Teddy's lunch every day at the school cafeteria was $1.70.
See my problem???!!!!!!!!
So I'm done. No more Mrs. Nice Lady. The mice are buying the farm. They will be soon be ex-mice and cease to be. It's Lock N Load time at Casa Tencza and PETA can stuff it. I didn't want to be mean but they have forced me to do extra cleaning and pay for extra lunches I can't afford. Uncool Dudes, very uncool.
Now I have warned the girls that they may see dead mice in the traps and at first yes, I saw a few lip quivers. Then I mentioned that the mice have been pooping in the bathtubs and on kitchen counters and even Tessi said, 'Kill them Mommy, kill them all," Connor was too horrified to speak, she just nodded her head in agreement. We spent a good twenty minutes plotting the demise of said furry creatures and honestly, it's the best I've felt all week.
Instead of the flag pole maybe I'll just tie their carcasses to the hood of my car. Definitely will send a message, don't you think?