Wednesday, July 2, 2008

It's Wrong to Launder Aussie Money

By wrong I mean you can't do it. So seriously, you can't. I pulled a $5 bill out of the washer this morning and the rotten ink faded!!!! Seriously, I have washed TONS of American money in my life, $1's, $5's, $10's, $20's, $....well nothing higher than that. Any denomination bigger than that I've held onto for dear life for the 10 or 15 minutes I had them. But my point is that American ink can take multiple laundering sessions. MULTIPLE!!!

So Aussies, what does this mean? Is the money useless? In the States a bill must still be accepted by a vender, even if ripped, as long as it's discernible as a bill.

No matter, I'll just slip it into Teddy's Canteen (school lunch) order on Friday. Those people will take anything.

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