Tuesday, November 25, 2008

New Plan: Lying, Lots of Lying

None of these ladies coming today read my blog so I feel fairly safe in stating this. There's NO way I can let people into my house and there is too much filth to clean before 9am. So I'm going to embrace a more morally flexible thought process. I'm going to lie like there's no tomorrow.

"My husband is home ill and can't possibly have a housefull of screaming kinder around. There's a park right near the mall, we can go there and if it rains pop into the shopping center and eat lunch in the food court."

I like it. I really do. Since Ted will be home for about 5 minutes at 2pm to grab the car and go to the dentist it's not really a complete fabrication. Just mostly one. Yes, that works. There. I'll work on cleaning a bit later...maybe, unless I can keep coming up with these pearls of half-truths.


Linnia said...

It's a slippery slope you know. You start out with just a little white lie and the next thing you know the house is so trashed the only way to get to the bathroom is by using a leafblower to get all the stuff out of the hallway......I'm not speaking from personal experience of course.

Anonymous said...

A leafblower you say? I wonder if that would work on my 15-yr-old's room? Or maybe I could embarrass him into cleaning it - like take photos and show his U9s cricket team??? What do you think Cecelia?

Unknown said...

Dear Christ! Please do NOT tell Teddy that God keeps his room as a sty. He will take it as the word of the LORD that he is not to clean.

A leaf blower Cheryl? I like it. I really do. Now I know what to ask for a present for Christmas.