Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Another Exciting Day Down Under

Just the normal mad dash around the house to clean, get kids up and fed, dressed and then we'll take Teddy to school. After that Mary from ASPECT, the local Autism support program will come and we'll talk about Tessi for 2 hours. I get a little frustrated with this because as my luck goes, Tessi is a model child every time Mary comes. Mary has yet to see one of the "fun" temper tantrums.

I know I should be grateful because this does mean that Tessi can control it a bit, which is usually not possible, but I am tired, I really am. All I seem to see of Tessi is her anger and negativity, I wish I got to see the angelic child that others do. Because she is a gorgeous child and can be so much fun, if she wants to be.

Anyway, no more fun for me for a few hours. I have laundry all over the place so I need to get that folded and put away...either that or grab it all and throw it on my bed until Mary leaves...hmmmmm.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Remember that discussion about multiple wives? Maybe you should just talk to Ted about having Mary move in....perhaps Tessi would remain well behaved and Mary could help with laundry and whatnot....~Tara