Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Wedensday Means Rugby, Gymnastics and Preschool

Or in other words...THEY'RE GONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's just me and the dog BA-BY!

Yesterday was supposed to be the beginning of greatness. Teddy and his friend Will were going to rugby camp and then I'd have the girls and we'd go to the shops and I'd ply them with banana bread and shoes. Unfortunately I am a complete twit and took the boys to camp 1 day early. Yeah, you read that right. Camp didn't start until Wed and here we are 24 hours early sitting in the parking lot with our noses pressed to the car windows wondering where the Hell everyone was. Sigh...and so began another memory making day.

Will's mom works so without rugby camp there was nowhere for him to go so of course he came home with us. Not a problem because I like Will, but it was too wet and soggy for everyone to play outside and we couldn't go anywhere because my car only holds 3 kids. I had actually dragged a friend out of bed to stay with the girls so I could drive the boys to camp - Oh yeah, she LOVES me now. So here we are, 4 kids in the house getting ready to kill each other. I did the only thing I could. I decided that it really wasn't that wet outside and threw them out. This of course drew the neighbor kids out of their house and then I had 6 kids traipsing in and out.

This is the stuff that drinking songs are penned about. Remember the Edmund Fitzgerald? Gordon Lightfoot made millions writing prose about this tragedy. I wonder if I can score a few bucks crooning about angry, wet and bored children?
"There once was an obnoxious child,
who lived to annoy his mother....ooooohhhhaaa
When he ran out of things to wreck and hit, (dum, dum, dummmmm)
his sisters picked up the slack and looked to find others to bother...."

Well, maybe not. Prose never was my specialty. No matter. They are gone to rugby camp (it's actually on today), gymnastics camp and Tessi is back at preschool.

I'm sooooo out of here!!!! See ya, wouldn't wanna be ya!

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