Let me repeat...this is why I LEFT Texas. I HATE the heat. HATE it! Almost 36 today, 40 tomorrow and then well over 40 on Sat. W.o.n.d.e.r.f.u.l. Just soooo not what I need.
Here in Australia we hear a lot about gloabl warming and them impact of running the a/c on the environment. I DON'T CARE! I'M RUNNING IT ALL DAY HA!!!
Sorry, going a be crazy from the heat. And it's only 9am. Sigh....ice blocks for dinner again.
Good news for me is that I do get to stay inside for most of the day. Teddy, poor kid has cricket camp until 1pm today and tomorrow. Will be stopping for emergency gatorade and ice blocks afterwards. Think it's time to start looking at the weather in Anchorage and day dreaming.