Thursday, February 9, 2012

Cricket is No Longer a Bug

Alright, yes it is bug still but in my mind it's no longer JUST a bug.  Teddy has been selected for his school's Rep Cricket team as the wickie.  Also known as the wicket keeper.  Which is sort of like a catcher.  Sort of.  Today I drove him and his mates to the field so they could play another school.  He has a large kit bag for his stuff and then tonight he has cricket training for his team for the local club.

What the Hell is this nonsense?  MY son plays cricket?  We're Americans for Chrissake!  We play football and baseball and basketball and hit things hard and laugh outrageously loud.  Ted is a massive Minnesota Vikings groupie, I adore my Steelers.  Ted's dad is a Giants worshipper and has even raced stock cars and the latest generation of Tencza dresses in all white to stand around for days and cheering when the bowler ALMOST gets someone out?  Wha??

When we first moved to Australia Teddy tried to play baseball but it was hopeless.  In Year 1 they were still playing t-ball.  Just plain silly.  Plus all of Teddy's friends played cricket so the following year he wanted to try it and was hooked.  So now we go to cricket games and think, "Oh wow, it's a short game today, only 4 hours"

But people go for the day, even days to see these cricket games.  Aussies love their cricket.  The weird rules - you can run if you don't hit the ball, they stop game for tea breaks, and the team captain is supposed to turn in his own teammates for unsportsmanlike like conduct, all of it, they love it.  Even the 2 or 3 Australians who don't like sports know about cricket.  Ask ANYONE about Don Bradman, and you'll be gently reminded that it's SIR Don Bradman. 

So here we are, Americans living in Australia and our oldest child plays cricket.  5 years ago I heard the word I thought of a chirping insect and now I think of an entire day sitting outside watching paint dry.  At least I can bring my iPod.

The day I can watch without getting pissed that he's wearing all white and rolling around in the mud that's when I know I'm Australian.