Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Wanna Cause a Fight?

Here is a sure fire way to start a fight...every time. Buy one daughter a Little Mermaid II pinball game for Gameboy. Just one...that's the secret. Then give said daughter the game because you're checking the mailbox coming back from taking son to school and just want to check one last time before you pile into the car to head to the shops. Then explain to daughter that she can hold the game but we won't be going inside to get brother's Gameboy until AFTER we get back from shops.

The fight you ask? Have 2nd daughter hear all of this and obviously forget that she is a new converstion to the Disney Faithful and she wants to know where HER Ariel game is. She can't maneuver the game system, she has no idea how to play video games but by Christ...she wants her game.

She stopped screaming when we pulled up to the end of our street. This was ONLY because I managed to get Connor to let Tessi hold the game cartridge for 4.5 seconds. Then they'd switch. In a 7 minute car ride they switched the game at least 12 times. Tessi is finally sleeping. I think I may fall asleep on the couch myself. Connor can't be bothered. She's inheritated Teddy's devotion to the gaming machine. I need to check to see if she's still breathing before I lay down.