Friday, July 18, 2008

No CVS or Walgreens in Australia

Still sick. This just will not die. I have the death cough and just feel blah. Starting to lose my mind. One of the big annoyances is that here you can't call the dr, say you're still sick and have them call in another prescription to the pharmacy. First of all, the pharmacy is called the chemist shop here. But the pharmacist is still called a pharmacist..but I digress. In order to get more medicine I have to make another appointment, get seen again and then get another script. They won't even call it in for me. I got lucky yesterday I guess. My dr got lab results back - umm, 2 days later...that said the one infection (yes, I have 2 different ones right now) is resistant to the antibiotic I've been taken. So she called me to tell me she would leave a script at the counter for me to come in and get this morning. This is of course to be done while taking the girls to school and Teddy to physio. 'Cause I got all the time in the world.

It's things like this that makes me miss home. I miss 24 hour pharmacies and calling the dr's office to have them call in a script and having me just go pick it up. I love Australia, I really do. But I miss the immediacy of things sometimes.

That's my for the day. Tomorrow think happy thoughts for me. I am taking the girls to Disney on Ice. I'm really nervous about this one. If I haven't been incarcerated for killing them I'll post on the happenings when we get back.