Thursday, July 17, 2008

Holidays Blues

The girls are back at preschool this morning. Sometimes I can just barely hold on for Thursday morning....but that's another posting. One thing was nice this morning. When we walked into Tessi's room her teacher had this picture of her. Seems Tessi really enjoyed dress up time lat week and put everything in the box on her. It's nice to see her in cute mode. I don't get that often.

Today it's just Teddy and me. Now we're trying to figure out what to do. He wants to go to TimeZone - an arcade in the mall. That's fine, but I know we can't stay the entire day there. Even he will get bored eventually. I'm still not feeling up to snuff so long outrageous adventures are out of the question. We can't go do super tourist stuff like the Taronga zoo, or the Aquarium because of the WYD events - I really don't want any part of those crowds. So we're sort of trapped.

Too bad Teddy isn't interested in a day of hot tea and sewing. Then again, I don't really want him anywhere NEAR my sewing machine. I shiver at what he may come up with.