Yes, sorry world moms, I win the coolest mom o' the century today. Teddy has been saving his money and doing jobs around the house to earn enough to buy Kung Fu Panda for PS2. Now his over-generous grandparents already sent him it on DS, but as gamers gots to have it on the big screen. Besides he was so in love with the DS game he completed it in about 5 days.
Anyway, I make up some work to be done around the house and by 9:15 this morning he had what he needed, just barely because the game is on sale. So I gathered everyone up and we drove to the shops next to us in Hornsby to EB Games - the same chain as in the States. All good.
Except that Tess decided to copy Connor about being scared to walk on escalators and I didn't notice until I was part way down (holding Connor's hand) and Tessi was standing at the top and crying. Teddy leapt backwards 4 steps to grab her and drag her on. Grrrr. "Tessi, what happened?" "I scared Mommy", she says. I respond, "No, you're not, Connor gets scared" "Oh, OK Mommy" she has the gall to reply. I did not kill her.
Then we go to K-mart to get the girls a little princess writing set so they can get something too. Drag everyone up to EB Games - took elevator this time. Get into shop and up to counter. Sold last copy yesterday. DAMNIT. I ask her to call around and see if other stores have it. She checks and 3 have it. Greenwood plaza, right next to where Ted USED to work, now totally far away. Yet another reason to hate Travelocity's guts and hope that company goes belly up. Next store is in Darling Harbour - right in the HEART of downtown and all the World Youth Day celebrants. Yeah, whatever, you couldn't get me down there with a crow bar. Finally, Rhoades Shopping Centre. About 30 minutes away, same place as the Ikea, south of the river. Still not great but I looked at Teddy's horrified face and asked the girl to call and have them hold a copy for us.
So off we go. Not fun. Not pretty. But we get there. We are home now and despite Tessi's best efforts to vex me, all 3 kids are still breathing. I think Teddy is grateful...I can't tell...he hasn't moved anything other than his hands on the controller since we've been back. I guess that means he's loves me. Damn well better...
Whoa! Wait, hold the phone. He just came in here and asked me to play with him so I guess he is grateful...either that or desperate until the neighbor kid can come over. No matter....I'll take what I can get! Off to play the game!