Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Cake Baking Query

So, just because I'm curious, not because I have first hand experience or anything....how bad is it to put 1 1/3 cups of oil into cake batter when it turns out the very, very, very small print actually said 1/3 cup of oil?

One could hope that it means that the cake will be very, very moist. One could also hope that the cake would still become something scientists would agree could be classified as a solid. One could also hope for the Easter Bunny to tag team with Santa and drop off $50 million in non-traceable cash.


I hate cooking, I really do.

1 comment:

Owens Family said...

Did you try baking it? What happened??! Were you thinking, "Man, that's a lot of oil!" while you were pouring it into the bowl? Too funny!