Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Blog Schmog

It's so hard to keep this thing updated right now. The computer is still traveling at a snail's pace and the kids...well the kids are the kids. I have a spare 30 seconds now so here I am posting about nothing. A Seinfeldesque style.

Right now life is just a matter of getting through segments of time. Wake up and get through until I can get Tessi to preschool. Then work on stuff until I find an activity for the other two to do. Then wait for lunch time. Ten get through the afternoon and then then survive witching hour. Of course witching hour lasts from about 4 until 6:30 so it's witching LONG hour. Then survive until kids go to bed. Then usually it's colapse time for me.

Wow...I just bored myself with that. Dear God. What's happened to me!? My 21 year old self would crush out her cigarette on the back of my hand for being so lame! pity parties though. Friday Ted and I are going away for the weekend. 3 whole days and 2 nights of no kids and in wine country. I can't wait. Now off to find the day's game plan!

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