Thursday, March 12, 2009

Is This What Life Really Is About?

Come on, I have to be missing something here! I spent all day yesterday doing laundry and cleaning up; only to go to bed having the house still look like urban decay. There's enough laundry hanging around the house to be confused with a laundromat. I had one of those life- altering mother/son discussions with Teddy yesterday and learned that he really does think I love the girls more than him and that I'm happier when he's off by himself. Sigh...mother of the year...that's me. And this morning I awoke at 4:40am to the sound of the dog throwing up.

There's no way this is my life. NO WAY! I was going to be an egyptologist, never marry, certainly never have children and I was was going to fabulously wealthy and of course socially secure, thank you Daffy Duck. I wanted to drive a 1965 blue convertible Mustang and jet around the world.

Then again, I would have been a lousy egyptologist as I hate and I do mean hate the heat. I get angry the second the mercury pops up above 85. Besides what would all that sand do to a Mustang? And so much for not being married because I have found that I am fairly useless without Ted. As for the kids, well, I must love them because no one else would put up with Teddy's circular logic, Connor's hand on her hip and moving her neck to yell at me and Tessi's...well...just Tessi. Actually they can be quite cute. Teddy turned to me yesterday after our talk and said, "Mom, sorry for being a putz" Ahhhh, he is mine.

Fine, this is my life. At least I'm in Australia, I'm sure that someday it will stop raining, at least the wine is cheap and the dog whisperer is coming to the house today to teach me how to train Damn Dog. I have some really good friends who for some reason seem to still like me. Pardon the Sally Field moment there. I am tired.

I'm off to restart the day as it's now almost 6am and I don't have long until angry cherubs start rising. Sometimes it's like being attacked by short undead in princess and clone wars jammies. This gives me just enough time to have a cuppa and try to clear off a path on the kitchen counter. Don't want the dog whisperer to think we're slobs.


Anonymous said...

ah, hugs to you. At least you aren't stuck in Justin, TX. You are at least living part of your dreams (yours and Ted's at least). Tara

Unknown said...

Thanks Tara, this morning was just not fun. The dog trainer came and gave me some good ideas with the dog. She's a smart one and has had zero training so she can be a real rat bag. But she's cute.
But you're right, there are a lot of great things here.