Friday, December 5, 2008

Why is that little girl interupting the performance?

Hi, Mother of the Year here. Wedensday night was Teddy's Christmas Concert at school. A small school but every parent and every human being they've ever met attends this thing. Seriously, we had to arrive 2 hours before the show just so I could set up my blanket where I wanted it. Amazing. Complete free-for-all with hundreds of parents and kids running around. Fortunately, even though it's a public school it's ok for parents to bring wine, so we all packed a picnic dinner and several bottles of wine and sat around to watch the show.

Connor and Tessi had a great time running around, chasing each other and finding friends to play with, but I made them come sit in our general area when the show started. They took turns sitting with us, goving over to Penny's blanket, then to Pip's blanket, and again to Genevieve's blanket, really anyone they could even slightly recognize. It was really nice.

About 4 or 5 songs in Teddy's class came out. The stage was actually the concrete, open area in between the buildings. So we're sitting up on the grassy knoll area watching, "Let There be Peace on Earth" but Teddy's class. Very cute. A nice quiet, serene song and I was looking for Teddy and enjoying the pretty song. Then out of the corner of my eye I see a little pink plaid dress walking down around the Year Two class. I think, "Oh how cute, a little girl is down there walking around...pause...pause...Crap, it's Tess" She has somehow left our immediate area, walked through the crowd a good 50 or so yards, and found her way to the makeshift stage and is weaving in and out of the Year Two performance. I turn and yell at Ted, who jumps up, almost falling down the hill and he races to the edge of the hill, which leads to brick wall down to the open area.


Ted gets teased from some of the dads, "Oie Mate, you gotta watch your kid!" One dad was down on the groud so he swooped up Tessi and handed her back to Ted and she sweetly says, "I see Teddy"

Grrrrrrrrrr. The good news is that everyone there knew us and the only danger Tessi was in was from me strangling her with my bare hands. Fortunately there was still some wine left at that point. Have I mentioned that I REALLY like this part about Australia?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Please tell me there are pictures...