Saturday, December 6, 2008

Is There Some Particular Reason....

...that kids like being sick better at night rather than during the day like decent people? Thursday night Teddy woke up at 12:30 with a fever and cold symptoms that set off his asthma. So we were up for a bit getting his breathing back in order. He didn't want to go back to his room and I didn't want to be too far away so we both slept on the living room couches. Him on the 3-seater and me on the 2-seater. Yeah, I know. My logic is a bit fuzzy at 2 am.

I kept him home from school because of the fever obviously but also because he has a lot of stuff going on this weekend and quite honestly - they are in full end of year mode and that class isn't doing ANYTHING of real value right now. So home he was. Since the medicine was working he was pretty much FINE the whole day. I'm not one of the cool moms so when you're home sick from school you I let him out for lunch, legos and one movie. Yes, mean Mom. I know, I've been told.

My point? Well it's 2:30 am in Sydney now and we're up again. This time asthma is ok, but he's sick so a bunch of meds have been poured down his throat. He has a 9am cricket game and after that is Ted's office Christmas party. It's a family event. The office is hiring a Santa and getting nice presents for the kids - yet ANOTHER reason to happy not to work for Travelocity as last year all spouses and children were banned from the Christmas party. Atlassian is soooo much better. But that's another post.

Don't know if Teddy is going to Saturday's events, I doubt it. Poor kid, he will be CRUSHED to miss a game -after all, it's not everyone who gets to perform in front of GOD weekly and have GOD say, "Good on ya, Teddy!" Then to top it off and miss Santa? Ooohhhh. Maybe I'll have Ted tell him.

1 comment:

DarthTed said...

It is Tessi's turn to be sick at night, and I literally mean be sick. Grandma needs to get here in a hurry.