Saturday, January 28, 2012


Well, here goes.  I'm playing with the new design template.  It's easier than it used to be.  I like the templates that make me feel knowledgeable.  It helps wash that "stupid user" taste out of my mouth.  Not sure I like what I'm putting up, but it's different.  Right now different has to be better simply 'cause its' different.

Not much of a philosophy but it'll do.    When I think of a really cool name for it I'll put it on a t-shirt.

Back to working with computers.  That seems to me my next goal.  I've snowed a lot of my friends into thinking I'm computer saavy.  HA HA HA HA HA HA HA  HA.  There I laughed for you.  Enough.  That being said I'm always helping some one out it seems with either downloading music (legally of course) or setting up a Facebook page or just teaching someone how to send email.  But I like doing it.  I never feel like the person I'm talking to is the dreaded STUPID USER, the one that plagues help desks around the world.  I understand why they are confused by the keyboard and the monitor and why they are afraid to ask for help.

 No one wants to look stupid.  Isn't that why we end up doing most of the things we do?  A way to avoid looking stupid or cleaning up the mess made by out stupidity?  Well, that seems to be a driving force in my life anyway. I see people looking at the computer and I can see it in their faces, "I don't know what to do, this thing was too damn expensive to play and learn.  I'd better just leave it"  Which is a good idea, many times.  However with computers....there is this tricky middle ground.  Sure, you don't want to in swinging and reformat the hard drive (which erases everything by the way) and launch missles - I haven't done that but sometimes I do look out the window to make sure and then the opposite, just sit and stare at the keyboard and wait for it to talk to you.

I'm hoping I can work with some of my friends and help them feel more comfortable.  Maybe helping them will help me get my nerve to do something I'm intrigued by, maybe teaching people how to do some tasks on the computer.

My kids are in school, I'm 8000 miles away from the nearest Wal-Mart, Half Priced Books and 9000 miles from from Steelers.  So, time to think of something I can do. 

So I guess I'd better figure out  how to make this blog designer work or else no one is going to listen to me.  It'll be like teaching a class to my kids.

1 comment:

Mom 2 Twins said...

Keep talking! I'm listening! And, you're reminding me I need to get back to writing my blog. You're way better at it than I am, though.