Thursday, May 27, 2010

New Look for The Blog

Thank you Ted for helping get the new template for the blob.  I still have to fix some things and get my fancy widgets back as I really did like that revolving globe I had found.  But no matter, at least it's different looking.  A little more cutesy than I normally like but I am happy it's something new.

Today's plans.  Pack.  Pack like there is no tomorrow.  Well, pack until I'm out of boxes, which isn't too long as I only have 4 or 5 left.  I did get rid of a bunch of the girls toys the other day.  Some very sacred stuffed animals that they really, really don't care about anymore.  Of course, with Tessi's birthday just around the corner I'm sure a few more will be making an appearance.

The other goal for today is some bow-making.  That's the fun part of the day.  Seems silly I know, but it's one of the few things I feel I can do well and that I have complete control over.  Control....sigh...that is something that is sorely lacking in my life right now.  The move, the kids, LIFE.  Ack.  When you're a control freak and you don't have control over things - well BOOM!

Hopefully today I can get some things accomplished and that will make me feel a bit more in charge.  Not to worry though, the more I think about it I must be in charge.  Why else would Connor and Tessi be constantly trying to overthrow me if I wasn't?  Hmmm, maybe I need to wear a fake military uniform with a cool sash....

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