Monday, August 18, 2008

Weather Curse Strikes Again

Once again, I say we're going somewhere and the guaranteed weather flitters away. Not bone chilling cold, just some chilly moments. No snow, it came last week and is sure to reappear next week.

Oh well. Yet another Tencza vacation not quite what was planned. Should start planning with Costanza precision so we can get what we want. If we ever go anywhere again, I'll have to try that.

Kids had fun, looks like the Blue Mountains has a lot to offer if I ever get a chance to go sans kids...fall down laughing now. Anyway, the kids loved the chocolate store and riding the railway. World's steepest incline - 52% - pretty serious. Tessi loved riding a pony, kept yelling, "Yee Haw" and Teddy loved playing tennis and catch with Ted. Connor was happy as long as the various animals didn't chase her. All of them liked making smores over a campfire but really just preferred to eat the marshmallows off the stick.

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