Friday, August 22, 2008

More Drought

Woke up this morning and got on computer and then I realized it was droughting again. Damnit. An extra damnit because I realized that I had left clothes on the line all night. Damn. Went out and got them, fortunately not too soaked but the inside now has clothes strewn all over. Lovely. Great start to the day.

This is used to be one of my so-called "free days" but now that Connor is in this prep for school program, so much for that. It's just 2 hours but hopefully it'll be enough to help her with going to school in January. Connor also has a birthday party to go to in the morning. It's nice to see her having some social interaction.

So another day in the Tencza family, not terribly exciting but you never know with this crowd. Teddy is supposed to go see Clone Wars this weekend - that should liven things up a bit.


Anonymous said...

Teddy will enjoy SW Clone Wars. It is not as up to par as the non-animated, but it rejuvenated Noah's passion for the Jedi world. Jonah liked it too, although he keeps referencing the "bad people". We saw it at the Denton Movie Tavern so Scott enjoyed a nice pint of beer to go with his experience. I hate being preganant!! I also fear I'll never be able to get him back in a regular movie theater again. Have a good weekend! ~Tara

Anonymous said...

sTeddy will enjoy SW Clone Wars. It is not as up to par as the non-animated, but it rejuvenated Noah's passion for the Jedi world. Jonah liked it too, although he keeps referencing the "bad people". We saw it at the Denton Movie Tavern so Scott enjoyed a nice pint of beer to go with his experience. I hate being preganant!! I also fear I'll never be able to get him back in a regular movie theater again. Have a good weekend! ~Tara

Linnia said...

It droughted pretty heavily on Friday - I take full credit for that as I had plans to be outdoors in Sydney that day but without any wet weather gear or even warm clothes. I'm sorry we missed you :(

Owens Family said...

Hey! I'm hoping you still read your comments before they're published....our computer crashed and I need your email address! Just checking in on you and the fam.....