Thursday, May 29, 2008

Mommy, My Sister Throwed Up

Sigh....not the 6am wake up call I need. Woke up Wed. morning to Connor bellowing that as Tessi was throwing up and crying in bed. Have learned though that I can get from a sound sleep , out my room, into the girls room and pick up a retching child in 2.4 seconds. Handy skill. Poor Tessi caught some death stomach bug and spent the day on the couch. Connor was very cute in offering to bring tissues to Tessi after I moved her to the couch. However Connor became less than charitable when she learned that Tessi being sick meant we all had to skip Lifestart Playgroup. She didn't really buy the whole fever and vomiting thing meaning that we weren't allowed to go.
Sigh...I know Connor has a hard time understanding and remembering concepts like this but it really does get frustrating to have to keep repeating over and over that we're not going. Then of course I get the, "You're being rude Mommy!" thrown at me and the new twist - she cocks out her hip, puts her hand on it and shouts, "I don't care for yoooouuuuuu!" That earns her a trip to the hallway by herself for a few minutes, mainly to keep her out of my reach so I don't throttle the Hell out of her. A dear friend of mine once said that female and 4 just don't go together. I see now that she was right. Teddy used to get upset when I yelled and told him no, but he'd listen. Connor just glares right back at me.
Sigh...I really like it better when Tessi is better. That way she and Connor can target each other and leave me alone. Fortunately for me by dinner time Tessi had stopped throwing up and was her old self again. Just in time for them to discover that Connor has 2 My Little Pony toys and Tessi only has 1. They've been fighting ever since. Thank God for preschool.

1 comment:

Owens Family said...

La la la- I'm not listening to you about females and 4 year old girls!
Hope everyone is feeling better!
Yep, it's NEVER a good idea to have an odd number of toys. Life is all about FAIRNESS, ya know.