Wednesday, May 21, 2008

A hospital is a hospital is a hospital

Same stuff, different country. Nice to see that bureaucracy is the same everywhere. Took Teddy to hospital ( please take note of the dropping of the article - we are in Australia afterall) to get a x-ray and new cast. Get there only to learn that since we don't use the country's health care system we have to pay for everything up front. No problem, just next time let me know ahead of time so I don't have to drag my poor kid all through out the building trying to pay for things and get x-rays.
Finally get into see a dr - not the surgeon who did the procedure last week as he's on holidays - but a different guy. A guy who says, and I'm not kidding, "Cast looks well-taken care of, see you in 3 weeks" He gets up and starts to walk out and I say, "Excuse me? You're not going to examine the open wound and apply a proper cast?" "Nope, he looks fine. You can move your fingers around, right Mate?" Teddy obliges and I get the don't worry Mom look. Then I said, "Dr. Little told me last week that he couldn't go back to school until he had a proper cast" This guy says, "Ok, I'll ask someone in here" I hear, "the mom says Little wants another cast on this kid" Response, "OK, if SHE wants a cast then we'll get her a cast!" As If I get paid extra for us going through the trouble or something. I love how me asking questions is a burdon. Next time I will ask when did the Mongrels rule China - God help them if they don't know the answer.
Low and behold now because Teddy has a whiner (whinger here in OZ) for a mom he got a new cast and a proper examination. Shock of shocks the wound is a little irritated so it was good that a dr saw it. Not the same twit from before, this time the gal applying the cast managed to snag the dr that assisted on Teddy's surgery.

I know medical personnel work hard and deal with a lot of yutzes but really, I'm a pain in the ass because I remembered what the dr said? Spare me.
Teddy is fine but we couldn't get a waterproof or colored cast because it went beyond the elbow. Curses!!!!! I told him we'd paint it sparkly pink tomorrow. Teddy just glared at me. I get that a lot.

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