Monday, May 26, 2008

Back to Normal

It's Monday and all 3 kids are back at school. I did my best not to shout "FREEDOM" as Teddy's school bell rang. Now I'm slowly but surely trying to return to the normal chaos rather than the chaotic chaos. Amazing that there is such a distinction, but there is one. Anyone with kids knows exactly what I mean.

This week is Education Week at Teddy's school. There are 2 concert performances and some parent morning teas. I've really come to love these school events here in Australia. I don't know how to describe it but there is a different feeling here than back in Texas. Maybe because the school is so small, under 300 students. I'm not sure. But there is a small town community feeling to it. I must say, I really loved the Christmas program last year. Parents brought picnic lunches and bottles of wine to watch the show. I LOVE THAT. You could never, ever have that at a school in the states - particularly Texas. It's nice to see that at least here, we can all be adults and don't need some authority to watch over everything for us.

But this week there will be no wine, just family gathering in the great hall to watch our cherubs perform. Teddy won't get to dance this year, but he will sit on stage with an "Under Repair" sign. He's really happy about that. Not only will he be an obvious center of attention, he doesn't have to dance with a girl, a fate worse than death don't you know. My only concern is that I will be at the afternoon concert with the girls - which should make things interesting. As soon as Tessi realizes that people aren't there to see her she will kill herself rectifying that. It goes without saying that as soon as Connor realizes that people are paying attention to Tessi and not her, she also, will kill herself rectifying that.

Perhaps one parent in the audience will be drinking wine after all...and no...I won't share.

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