Sunday, June 23, 2013

Second Chance for Normanhurst and it's Citizens

As I have bellowed about before there is a struggle going on trying to get appropriate signage for little school.  It's been an uphill battle for more than two years.  Recently there have been a few stories written in our local newspaper.  Last week a story was published after talking with several members of the Hornsby Shire Council.  It seems now that Council is considering another look at our school and how their solution to our problem is faring.  This is a link to the most recent addition of the Hornsby Advocate.  On page 7 Tracey Findley has written a follow up article about our parking drama.  The Deputy Mayor Robert Browne was quoted as saying,  "I have to admit, I wondered how it would work. It didn't seem logical, but I'm not a traffic engineer."

Even members of council see that this is not the best solution for our little school.  I am very pleased that Council is agreeing to revisit this issue.  When Council actually sits and discusses this topic I hope they ask some very tough questions.  Perhaps questions like these:

Current Signage

1.  What child's safety is ensured by forcing them to walk by close parking and down the street?
2.  Why did you give us no parking signs and then expect us to use them as a Kiss & Drop?  Why not issue           proper Kiss & Drop signs?
3. How does forcing drivers to make loops around a heavily congested block NOT create a more dangerous situation than letting parents sit and wait 10 minutes or so for their child?
4.  There are 3 schools that empty at the same time in that area.   Two of them with teenage drivers on very narrow roads.  Is extra traffic really a good idea?

Issues with Parking Rangers

1.   Why are parking rangers only seen on Normanhurst Rd between 2:45 and 3:05?
2.    Why are they only looking at these 5 or 6 parking spaces right in front of the school and never at illegal parking in crosswalks or cars blocking residents driveways?
3.    "Unless your child is standing on the footpath AT your car, you must drive off" was the warning given to parents by rangers and police several weeks ago. Why all of a sudden are they targeting our street again?
4.  Why did a ranger tell a Normanhurst parent that "the old mayor said not to come to Normanhurst Road but there's a new mayor now so we can" and
5.  Why was I able to photograph a ranger last year resting against the school gate at 2:50, waiting for parents leave their cars unattended?  Yes, I do still have that photograph.

Hornsby Shire Council, your citizenry is not the enemy.  Please don't treat us as such. None of us want to argue with the government about parking in front of the school.  There are so many other issues that confront us all.  Please reconsider these signs and accept the voice of the people when we tell you they do not work for our community.

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