Wednesday, March 27, 2013

What I Should be Doing

There are many things I should be doing.  The dishes in the sink, laundry, mopping the kitchen floor, making the beds, more laundry, sweeping the floors, filling Easter baskets, laundry and planning tonight's dinner.  Of course there is the big huge entertainment center sitting in the middle of my living room that's 90% done.  It's waiting to be sanded, painted and have the hinges put on.  Just waiting....still there.

I walked by all of that to come in here and type.  As I'm typing I am waiting for a book to download.  When it's done I"m sooooo out of here.  I'm going to spend the next hour reading trash and doing nothing substantial.  I've earned it.

Today I got 3 kids up and out to school.  Despite some serious effort on their part I did not kill any of them.  No really, you can check...all left my house breathing.

Keep in mind that for the benefit of this posting I am counting swearing under the breath and pouting as breathing.

All 3 survived to at least the school campus and I braved the pre-Easter grocery store with 5000 of my local Aussies.  I managed to get a parking spot after only 3 laps and I only had to cut off one elderly person to do it.

Don't give me that look.  She was milking it with her walker trying to get sympathy; you and I both know it.  I don't feel bad at all.

I got through the store with 1/2 of my ankle intact, as I had a run-in with a power mom pushing a very posh stroller that seemed to think I wasn't moving fast enough.  I counter-attacked  by taking the last bag of carrot-shaped chocolates she was diving for.

Ha!  Take that Soccer Mom!  Thought you were going to throw me off by driving the baby stroller into the back of my leg?

Girl I've got 3 kids. I have stretch marks that are longer than the scratch you left on me.

Please.  You didn't even slow me down.

Fresh from the battle I've made it home and I have dragged myself and the groceries through the squalor.  It's a genuine catastrophe out there.  I'm sure there are government agencies lining up trying to declare it a disaster area. Plus it's almost 30 degrees...that's 90 degrees for my Imperial loving friends.  At the end of March. That's like 90 degrees at the end of September.  Sure if you live in Texas that's not unusual but I DON'T LIVE THERE ANYMORE.  That's WHY I don't live there anymore.

So for the record it's hot, the minions are gone, the mouse was exterminated last night and I've survived the shops.  If that isn't enough cause to justify trashy literature on the couch in this world...than this is a world I don't want to live in.

Oooh!  Book is done.  See ya!

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