Monday, July 28, 2008

No, It's Not Snowing in Sydney

My in-laws just called asking if if was snowing here. Ummmm, no. In fact, it's going to be 14 for a high today (that's about 58 degrees) Apparently it's all over NBC that it's snowing in Sydney for the first time in over 100 years. Um, no it isn't. Then I see there are some reports that it actually isn't snow, but a fair amount of hail in some parts. That may be, but no snow, I swear to God. You just don't get snow in a place this warm.

It's a little humorous that this is all over the US news whereas here in Australia, not a peep. The Sydney Morning Herald has NOTHING about snow, hail or whatever on the website.

I'll keep everyone updated though, if it does snow I will shreik outloud. Teddy will be beyond furious if it does though - he'll have to stay inside and that will chap his little hide.