Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Thou shalt not annoy on Youth Day

This is a headline from today's Sydney Morning Herald.


Apparently new powers have been granted to the police in order to curb shenanigans during the World Youth Day celebrations. Anyone caught behaving in an "offensive" manner towards a World Youth Day celebrant can be subject to a $5500AUD fine. What is deemed to be offensive will be left up to the police. These extra powers will be terminated after the WYD event is over.

Allow me to put my Ugly American hat on now and say that this is complete and total CRAP. How dare the government pass special rules that limit the expression of the people? If someone hits a WYD participant, throw them in jail where they belong. If someone wears a t-shirt saying, "Thanks for the Traffic Nightmares Visiting Catholics", it's annoying but that is NOT worth a $5500 fine!

Shame on you Government of New South Wales! One of the things Ted and I have loved, absolutely LOVED about this country is it's respect for irreverence. We have been thrilled by everyone here who has a snotty comment for the powers that be, an obnoxious word for someone acting inappropriately and just a general calling a jerk a jerk.

Careful Australians, if you accept nonsense like this, you are allowing your country to move closer to the regime that the States has become. Many of you have said to me that the Yanks are too uptight about things. This is how it starts.

Ok, climbing down off of soap box now. The next entry will be funny, I promise.