Me! Guess why? As we are opening the front door to walk to school Damn Dog (formerly known as Sasha) bum rushed the door and took off like a shot. We of course begin pursuit. Get to the top of the street and low and behold she has crossed the street and started running up the road. I tell the kids to wait, cross the street and start hiking. Six houses later she is still ahead of me and racing towards the school. Yep, she ran to school, ran through the buildings and then around the Kindy buildings with me chasing after her. I couldn't even swear at her because of all the kids. Now marvel in this irony. I'm at school and my kids are all still back home. I spin around and head back and a woman said the dog left, that she thought it went home. Sigh, damnit.
I head out the play ground and there is Teddy, holding Damn Dog on a leash with the girls in tow. He had gone back, gotten a leash and met Damn Dog on the street. She actually went up to him rather than ran like Hell from him. As Teddy walks her up to me she has the GALL to wag her tail at me and come up for me to pet her on the head. Then we all stood around and waited for the bell to ring.
I am the PETA award winner because the dog is still breathing. I did not kill her, I did not choke her with the leash, I did not smother her with Teddy's backpack. I did NOTHING to her. Even now as she is laying next to me eating stickers that Connor left on the floor - I am not killing her. I have no idea why, but I'm not doing it.
I must still be sick....