Tuesday, June 10, 2008

English Comes in Many Forms

Had a humorous misunderstanding with a friend today. You see, last month we were in Toys R Us together and I was shopping for Connor's birthday. Her daughter Zoe's birthday is coming up in a few weeks and we were talking about what Zoe likes. We saw some strollers and Penny said, "There you go, that's all you'd need for her" I made a mental note to self to get Zoe the stroller and was happy that I had an idea for her. Fast forward until today. Penny and Zoe are here at the house and have a birthday present for Tessi, which I wasn't expecting so it was a wonderful surprise. Well, Penny starts talking about Zoe's presents and how she finally found a pram (I still call it a stroller and will until I die, that's just all I have to say about that) that she thinks Zoe will like. I made a face and she realized that I had bought one for Zoe also. No big deal, we just laughed about it and I showed her the stroller and made sure that it's different enough for Zoe to like both.

Here's the rub though, I said,"Why did you buy her a stroller when you told me to get one?" To which Penny gets a horrified look on her face and said,' I DID NOT!" I reminded her of our Toys R Us adventure and she said, "Oh, I meant the general YOU and not specifically YOU" I asked in my most polite and diplomatic way, "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?" Again, I got the "You Crazy Yank" look and she smiled politely at me. I can see the wheels turning behind her eyes as she tries to figure out how to explain the obvious to me without actually calling me a dumb ass. I know that look because I have the same one on my face. Fortunately we've become good enough friends that I think we can accept that sometimes, we have no damn clue what the other is saying.

I think for me, this is true friendship. It's the same here in Australia as it was back in the States. I associate with people who like me but don't always understand me. They become my friend though, when they're willing to not understand me and still like me. Nice to see that some things are the same, no matter where you are. But I still say I was right in thinking she wanted me to buy the damn stroller.